Lesson Information

Lessons start 

September 17th, 2023 -


Northshore Senior Center

10201 E Riverside Dr, Bothell WA 98011 


230 to 430. 

Please contact club Vice President Chico Meza at 425-785-9046 if you have any questions.  Fee is $6.00 per lesson. 

 Click here for Lessons Flyer

Basic lessons are really beginner dances with instructional support.  Novices will actually be square dancing their first afternoon with us!  The lessons are set up in two 10-week sections that consist of two hours of dancing & instructions each Sunday afternoon between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.  Once Basic steps (the first 10 weeks) are mastered students graduate to mainstream.

 Mainstream dancing with continuing instructional support (the second 10 weeks).  This simply means learning more connecting dance patterns on top of what students already know.  The overall goal is to guide new dancers to a level of proficiency in Mainstream square dancing so they are not just dancing with fellow students but also feel comfortable dancing with experienced square dancers at any regular Mainstream club dance anywhere in the world.  Several of our experienced club dancers will attend your dance classes as "angels" to sometimes partner with you on the dance floor and generally provide encouragement as you learn new steps & moves.   

Our square dance lessons promise to be not only instructive but also fun and light-hearted experiences which make each lesson something new dancers look forward to.  The keys to a successful transition from a novice dancer to a competent Mainstream square dancer are regular attendance throughout the training process and a healthy capacity to have fun.  Dancing requires more energy and movement than most people think, especially when first starting out!  Dancers often find that they lose weight, gain strength & balance, sleep better, and seem to have more daily energy as a result of regular square dance activity.

 While beginning dancers can sign up as either singles or couples it is important to note that square dancing is a multi-partner type of dancing, and while you may start and end with the same partner (hopefully), you will find yourself dancing with everyone in your "square" in a typical dance routine (which we call a "tip").  

 Our club is multi-generational and family oriented.  We welcome families with children 12 years and older.  For example, when you have the opportunity to sit and watch the action at a typical Mainstream club dance you may see teenagers in the same "square" with dancers old enough to be their great-grandparents and all ages in between.  Also, you will observe some folks who enjoy dressing up in traditional western-style square dance attire although just as many prefer a more casual or modern dress style.  When taking lessons all dancers are requested to dress casually and wear comfortable, low-heel shoes.

 Square dancing is great fun, good exercise, and a wonderful atmosphere to meet new friends.  Come alone or bring a friend or partner and see for yourself!  You are welcome to just show up a little early and sign in by 2:30 p.m. on the afternoon of the first class.  For more information you can reach us by clicking Contact Us or by calling Jo Ann  206 914-2253 or  Chico Meza at 425-785-9046.